Caledonia Potatoes

Caledonia Potatoes is a substantial breeder and producer of seed and ware potatoes based in and around Perthshire, Scotland. Caledonia is owned by some of the most prominent potato growers in Scotland with approximately 1000 hectares of potatoes under their own management.

We are active in the sale of seed and ware potatoes of both our own production and dedicated suppliers, for multiple export and UK markets. Caledonia has a strong belief in the power of business through trust and longstanding partnerships. In many ways Caledonia is itself a partnership. Our directors are, uniquely, our primary growers and between them combine years of experience which serves to make our products and service delivery among the most reliable in the industry.

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Breeding Programme

Caledonia Potatoes runs a vibrant breeding programme producing new varieties to enhance our wide market range. We draw genetics from a diverse pool with significant scientific guidance from our partners at James Hutton Ltd and our in-house specialist Dr Finlay Dale BSC, PHD.

Our knowledge surrounding the challenges of growing our own potatoes is imperative during the selection process within our breeding programme, giving us a unique insight into solving the challenges that we all face as producers. We believe this experience is vital in developing increasingly environmentally advanced varieties.

Worldwide Sales

We are active exporters of our own Caledonia seed varieties and many free varieties to the traditional markets of North Africa and the Middle East. In addition, we are major suppliers of both ware and seed potatoes to the Canary Islands.

We are dedicated to finding new markets and new customers to partner with, this has in recent years been boosted by market expansion to Lithuania and Armenia. For those countries we find hard to reach with seed potatoes due to shipping or trade restrictions, we encourage and facilitate licence agreements for Caledonia varieties, giving Caledonia Potatoes a worldwide reach.

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